The best investment you can do for your health and your life expectancy: To eliminate the Risk Factor 1 from your life.
Hypertension is the risk factor No. 1 for the main cause of death: The cardiovascular diseases. Every other citizen in the USA, Canada, Europe and other countries dies from one of them: Heart attack, stroke, embolism, renal atrophy, and many other cardiovascular ailments. Therefore, it's also your personal risk factor No. 1. That's a good reason to take care of it. Most people think it to be the task of responsible institutions, e.g. the Health Ministry, the modern medicine, the personal physician, to take care of our health and to protect us from such fatal events. But something must be wrong: every other citizen (50 % of the population), and even 60 % of the physicians (who should protect us from this fate) die from cardiovascular diseases. This doesn't conjure up much confidence in the usual therapies. The pilots' physicians know it: A hypertonic pilot remains grounded, in spite of taking hypertension pills and showing a "normal" blood pressure under medication - because the risk of a sudden fatal cardiovascular event remains the same! The usual medication of hypertension pills doesn't cure, because it only treats the symptoms, not the causes.
The principle of this book is "Prevention and Cure of Diseases by Health". Where a strong, natural, healthy constitution shows up, many diseases and ailments just disappear, like nightmares do when the sun rises. The body has reasons, when elevating the blood pressure. As soon as those reasons are eliminated, the body normalizes the blood pressure without any pills, and simultaneously you leave the cardiovascular risk zone. With this book you acquire the knowledge about the fundamental secrets of natural health. To explore them, the author has spent more than 4 decades of intensive studies, experiments, and practical developments. To read this book and to enjoy your natural health - instead of suffering from hypertension, from medication side effects, and from a permanent risk of sudden fatal cardiovascular events - makes it the best (and most reasonable) investment of your life.
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